Reverse Pre-Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes Now!

The secret to reversing type 2 diabetes is right at your finger tips.

How long has it been?

Want to know the real cause of your diabetes? You've tried everything and you are frustrated.  Year after year, you have been hopeful that the wrecking ball to your health caused by pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes would get better. You have changed your medications, started a Keto diet, started a new exercise program and yep... still diabetic. 
Write your awesome label here.

Sick and tired

Are you sick and tired of the daily drudgery of managing your diabetes? Are you weary of pricking your fingers, having diarrhea, losing hair or worrying about the high risk of complications from poor glucose control? Are you just sick and tired of being sick and tired? 
Write your awesome label here.

Our Dilemma

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diabetes is a major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks, stroke and lower limb amputations. There seems to be no end in sight since the number of people with diabetes has exceeded 422 million people and shows no sign of stopping as it continues to rise rapidly.  

In 2019, diabetes and kidney disease due to diabetes caused an estimated 2 million deaths.  

The WHO reports that a healthy diet, regular physical activity, maintaining a normal body weight and avoiding tobacco use are ways to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.  

But what is a healthy diet?  What is regular physical activity and how do you maintain a normal body weight?  I mean, what is a normal body weight?  What do you do once you have type 2 diabetes? What caused it in the first place?  Is it my genes?

Write your awesome label here.

Type 2 diabetes is reversible even with
the "wrong" genes! 

You already have a tremendous opportunity right under your nose that most people don't even know about!

Most people believe that prediabetes will inevitably lead to type 2 diabetes which is a chronic and progressive disease that you can only learn to live with. They believe the only thing they can do is the status quo-take your medications and hope for the best.  

The Secret?

Studies have shown that the real reason for pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes has less to do with the sugar you consume and more to do with something else--the real cause.

It has been discovered that this BIG DISEASE is due to a little known fact involving a really big word called intramyocellular lipids.

Best of all, now that we know the real cause of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes, we can use this tool to decrease the risk of heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, blindness, amputations and even Alzheimer's disease.


We make real results happen.

Not only have we helped countless people become "un-diabetic", but we have gone on to teach people around the world how to ensure that they never see type 2 diabetes again. Our 7-week course will teach you how to reverse pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes with simple lifestyle changes that you can do in the privacy of your own home in just 90 days!

Matter of fact, you probably have a goldmine of materials at your disposal right now that you never knew could transform your life.  Now with our proven system and blueprint, you can discard the debris of lost health and rebuild the foundation for renewed health.


Learn the Basics

We start your course with learning about your health, how to read your lab reports and know what they mean. We'll also explain the science behind glucose, how it works in your body and the real culprit behind pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes.


Pin Point the Pain Points

Now that we have a baseline, we'll look at other factors - habits, routines and environment, etc. - that can contribute to elevated blood sugars and what to do about them. 


Applying the Blueprint

Lastly we'll walk through my blueprint to rewind the clock on diabetes and take back your health in less than 90 days. 

We've MASTERED the reverse pre-diabetes and  type 2 diabetes client blueprint. But don't take our word for it. 
Check out a few testimonies from people who've had type 2 diabetes just like you or even worse.  


Happy Clients

I saw her online and saw that she had very high ratings. I have been on her program for 3 months, and I saw results after one month. I am going to continue with Dr. Helen because I believe in her and what she has done for me. I highly recommend you calling Dr. Helen because she will help you.

MIchelle R.
I was having problems with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. I had so many problems with the medications and their side effects. I felt I was on a downward spiral to aging. Since starting the Reverse it program, I am so much better. I am no longer diabetic and I am off all of my high blood pressure medications except one with the smallest dose. I think everyone should do this program. Dr. Helen is my favorite doctor.
Keith L.
It made me remember who I was. It made me feel youthful even if I am not. It gave me my energy back. I had lost all of it. I was 208 lbs at 5'1 and that was too big. It would not come off. I am now 148 lbs. I used to hear my heartbeat in my ears even with my medicine and now I don't hear it. I have more clarity. It's like I was fogged up, but now I am clear and I can see clearly now that the rain is gone!

Janice B.
These are just a few of the hundreds of clients we've helped transform their lives to better health. The only difference between them and you is that they have become "un-diabetic" and now, you can too.  

Learn how to live your life free of Type 2 Diabetes.  The last years of your life depends on it. 

Lesson series

Secrets to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

Learn the Secret to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes in just 90 Days Without Medication
Write your awesome label here.

Our 7-week course takes you step by step to freedom

Know what to expect during this 7-week journey to life without  type 2 diabetes and toward your best health.

A Free Copy of Reverse It!

You will get a  digital copy of Dr. Helen's Reverse It! Book and the Reverse it! Success Journal absolutely free!

The Detox Bonus

You will gain access to Dr. Helen's Accelerated Healing Bootcamp meal plans, recipes and shopping lists absolutely free when you enroll in this life-changing course.

Live Sessions

Join Dr. Helen for  announced  live sessions, where you will dig deeper and answer the burning questions that matter to you most.

Join the Social Community

Access the private community for extra content, recipes, motivation, tips, tricks and tools even after the course has ended.

Even More Bonuses!!!!

Free access to amazing recipes, food hacks and kitchen demos that serve as the foundation to reverse type 2 diabetes and rebuild your health.

Dr. Helen Powell-Stoddart

Dr Helen is a board-certified physician who knows the pain that comes from having a loved one who suffers from type 2 diabetes.  Losing both of her parents to the demolition of their health from this diet exacerbated illness of  type 2 diabetes, Dr. Stoddart  watched  how this disease destroyed their health foundation leading to heart disease, kidney failure, nerve damage, hypertension and high cholesterol that claimed their lives and devastated their family. 

Since then, through her clinical experience and diligent research, she has discovered that pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes is reversible!  Even more, she has discovered the tools to stop pre-diabetes dead in its tracks and to reverse type 2 diabetes in as little as 90 days!  Best of all, she has discovered the keys to make sure that you never have to see pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes ever again.

Dr. Helen has vowed to help every person that wants to transform their lives from the wreaking ball of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes.  She provides the path to a life filled with optimal health and the best  way to say goodbye to these dreaded diseases for good!
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